Dee has performed past life regressions since 1990. She has facilitated several hundred people into the experience of a past life.
A past life can highlight issues that have carried over from a prior life that still need resolution in this life. Many current problems have a basis in a past life experience. By going back and reviewing these “past” situations, a true healing can take place. In some cases, even health problems have an origin in a past life.
Past Life Regression can explain and help toward understanding relationships in this life and healing can take place. In her years of facilitating past life regressions, she has witnessed healings that include physical, emotional and spiritual issues that threatened the well being of the individual.
For some, it may just be an interesting experience to learn who you were and what your life was like in a prior existence. While certainly interesting to experience, past life regression can also bring about healing and a higher wisdom on how to heal wounds that transgress the ages.
Dee uses relaxation techniques to get you to a state of deep relaxation. Because she has not been trained in hypnosis, you are not hypnotized, although the experience is similar. Although rare, some people are unable to relax enough to go back in time. Dee makes every effort to do the regression. If the person is unable to get to that state she will instead try to give a past life reading, where pertinent information can be revealed.
One and half hours $150.00
A $50.00 deposit required to book an appointment, refundable if cancelled 24 hours before time of appointment.
A recording of the session is sent by email or a CD, however, the quality cannot be guaranteed